Drawing detailed reports

Log in and select the "Reports" tab of your charity account to generate the following reports:

A: Draw a donation report (Reports > Donations)

For any donations received over any period.

Filter by frequency, status, transferred status, source, time period and any or all of the following: beneficiary campaign, fundraiser or donor. (Off-platform donations can be displayed and exported as part of your donation reports – read more.) Then click "Apply" to view the results.

To export a donation report, enter a name for your results (and view) in the "Give a name to this view" field and then click on "Save View" and "Export". A notification will be sent via email, with a link to start the download.

B: Draw a transfer report (Reports > Transfers)

For all donations already transferred to your charity bank account.

Filter by time period and currency (optional). Then click click "Apply" to view the results.

To export a transfer report, enter a name for your results (and view) in the "Give a name to this view" field and then click on "Save View" and "Export". A notification will be sent via email, with a link to start the download.

C: Draw a fundraiser project report (Reports > Fundraiser projects)

For the status of your fundraiser projects, their fundraising goals and amounts raised.

Filter by project status and type and time period. Then click click "Apply" to view the results.

To export a fundraiser project report, enter a name for your results (and view) in the "Give a name to this view" field and then click on "Save View" and "Export". A notification will be sent via email, with a link to start the download.

*For UK charities:

D: Draw a GiftAid report (Reports > GiftAid)

For all donations received by UK donors who have selected GiftAid to be included in their donation.

Select your preferred month from the dropdown, then to view the list of donors.

To export GiftAid schedules and declarations to claim GiftAid from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), click on "Export schedule" and/or "Export declarations". A download will start immediately.

E: Draw a charity campaign report (Reports > Campaigns)

For the status of your charity campaigns, their fundraising goals and amounts raised.

Filter by time period and campaign status. Then click click "Apply" to view the results.

To export a charity campaign report, click on "Export". A download will start immediately.

F: Draw a recurring donations report (Reports > Recurring donations)

For all new recurring donations set up or stopped in a specific time period.

Filter by time period and status. Then click click "Apply" to view the results.

To export a recurring donations report, enter a name for your results (and view) in the "Give a name to this view" field and then click on "Save View" and "Export". A notification will be sent via email, with a link to start the download.

G: Draw an event report (Reports > Events)

For all events that have linked your campaigns to their event page.

Filter by time period and status. Then click click "Apply" to view the results.

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