Viewing and exporting off-platform donations as part of your donation reports

All off-platform donations that you have added to a campaign are also available in your donation reports. They can be viewed online or exported separately or together with online donations processed via the GivenGain platform.

Log in and select the "Reports > Donations" tab of your charity account.

For any donations received for any period: Filter by source, time period and any or all of the following: beneficiary campaign, fundraiser, donor, and event.

To view donations made outside GivenGain only, select "Off-platform donations" from the Source dropdown, or select "All" for a blended view of on-platform and off-platform donations, then click on "Apply" to view the results.


The Status column in the donation report results will clearly indicate whether a donation came through GivenGain or from another source (displayed as Off-platform donation).



Export a report

First enter a name for your results (and view) in the "Give a name to this view" field. Click on "Save view", then click on "Export". A notification will be sent to your registered e-mail address with a link to start the download.


  • Exported donation reports will include all available information on any anonymous off-platform donations, although only the date and amount will be publicly displayed in the donation list on your campaign page (and linked fundraiser page and event page, if applicable).
  • In the exported report, the following fields are left blank for off-platform donations:
    • Contribution ID and Donor ID
    • E-mail address and Address
    • Frequency and Status (of successful processing)
    • Transferred (date), Transfer ID and Donor covered fees
  • In the exported report, the donor message is also included (if one has been added).

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